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thePeople has connected.
thePeople: Hello world
DM: Alright, this one won't be too long
thePeople: where do i go
DM: Wastelands map
DM: same cave
thePeople: I cant see anything?
thePeople: ah there it is
DM: ok
DM: yeah, a bit off from center
thePeople: ok, well i guess im ready
thePeople: oh yeah, did i heal all my helath
DM: not yet. I'm actually going back to the night before, despite what I said last session
thePeople: oh ok
DM: it's during your shift, while Earth-looker sleeps
thePeople: anything else?
DM: nope, I will start now
god: Hunter!
god: You cannot run from me, Hunter!
Hunter: I know that, you have been with me all my life and i doubted that i could be rid of you so easily
Hunter: I cannot run, however, as i am, i doubt i can face you either, one day however, i will be stronger, and with my brother, we will free my people from your grasp
god: My sovergnty is good! I am God!
Hunter: ... I wasnt to believe you, i truly do, I want to blieve that there is a kind god, always watching over me, however, I have seen too much, I have seen that both your bliss and your agony were lies, and that all the deed you wished for me to commit were just done for your own wellbeing and amusement. I can't believe in you anymore. I can't.
god: You deny your creator, Hunter. You run away from the one who raised you, who gave you all you have.
god: And what of your family, Hunter?
DM: damn you are taking a while to type...
Hunter: You did not give me what i have, I gained it with my own will, you have only made me commit actions that i now regret deeply. And don't you cdare touch my family, if you do, I sear that me and my companions will bring pains upon you a thousand fold of what you give them
thePeople: sorry, something weird was going on with the window where you type, and i was considering how hunter would awnser the trhreat, not sure i did it right though
god: You are blinded by your pride, Hunter. You can never de-throne the ruler of all that is.
god: Have you even considered why I sent you to this cave?
thePeople: what was that womans name again?
DM: the wishmaster
Hunter: Do not lie, you did not bring me here, the Wishmaster did, she brought us here so that we can help peopl, and one day, after I become stronger, she will help us dethrone you you false god. If you were truly almighty, then my brother and i would have never been able to escape your bliss and agony
god: I allowed you to leave, as a test of your faith, Hunter.
Hunter: WELL THEN I HAVE FORSAKEN IT, I do not believe you anymore, I can't believe that a kind god would make up a fake hell and heaven where they could make real ones instead
Earth Looker: Ahhh!
Hunter: Brother, brother it's ok, im here, wake up, it's just a dream
Earth Looker: I dreamed of Agony, brother.
Earth Looker: I was there again!
Hunter: No, you will never be back there, for as long as i live, i will make sure that you never have to return to that place.
Earth Looker: How can you ever be sure of that?
Hunter: ... I can't, yo be completely honest, I can't, but I will try, I wll do everything i can to stop you from being forced back into agony, and even if I can't I am sure that wish crafter will aid us as well.
Earth Looker: I can only hope so, but don't forget that we are fighting God himself.
Hunter: No, this isn't a god, what we are fighting is merely a mad man, who calls himself such. He may be, no he is incredibly powerful, but brother, we aren't weak either, and we are onlygetting stronger, while he has probably long since grown content with his power. We also have wishcrafter at our side, she has pwer that might even be close to rivaling his. It might be hard, but we will fight him, we will free our people, and we will never again be his slaves
Earth Looker: But he can control all those people in the afterlife. He rules all of wrieph with his power. He can teleport us to anywhere in the wastes. He can see into our minds, brother!
Earth Looker: What if he really is the master of everything, but God is just evil?
Hunter: If that was true, then we would have never been able to escape, if that was true, do you think that agony and bliss would only exist in our own mind. No, i am sure that if he was the true master he would be capable of far greater horrors, and that we would already be his mindless slaves, however, were not, so therefore, we must assume that he is not God, remember that brother, because if you put him in such a position of power, then you will only open yourself to his control onc more
Earth Looker: You are right.
Earth Looker: How about you take your rest now. I need some time to think.
Hunter: Thanks brother, I guess i should rest before the big day tommorow, and remember, we can do this, us brothers, side by side, will be unstoppable
DM: just then, Whisper and Echo form
Whisper: We bring two gifts from our master.
Echo: Gifts
Hunter: What are they?
Whisper: The first are this bow and this axe.
Echo: a weapon
DM: whisper hands you a bow, and Earth-looker a greataxe
DM: the bow is of whatever type you want. It is also a +2 Merciful bow
Hunter: can it be a +3 composite long bow, and does merciful mean it can only do non lethal damage, or does it mean i can choose to do it
Hunter: without penalty
DM: merciful deals and extra 1d6, and all of it is non-lethal, but this can be turned off, making it just a +2 composate +3 bow
thePeople: ok, i guess i'll usually be doing the non lethal than, and then if i really need to kill an ememy i can just coupde grace them later
Whisper: Your other gift is a lesson in the speach of those you will save tomorrow.
Echo: a toung
Whisper: You will need to learn how to speak with them as best you can.
Hunter: Is there some magic that will aid us, because i imagine it will be difficult to learn a whole new language in a mere day?
Whisper: We will teach you some phrases. It will be enough for now. We will be present to speak to them as well.
Hunter: Thank you
DM: Ok, note these, as these are the only phrases you will know in this tounge:
thePeople: ok
DM: "The wishmaster is your salvation"
DM: "Fear not, you are saved"
DM: "I, too, have been saved by the wishmaster"
DM: "You must follow me to fort highpeak"
DM: "There, we will be saved"
thePeople: Do i understand what any of these mean at all?
DM: yes, you know all of their meanings
Hunter: Wait, isn't there a good cahnce that they might take these phrases as meaning that she is some kind of goddess?
Whisper: What do you mean?
Echo: Explain...
Hunter: Well most people would associate someone talking constantly about salvation and being saved as being some sort of preacher for a god or goddess, but, I guess it shoudl not matter, I guess any confusion will be cleared when we reach the fort
Echo: Clarity...
Whisper: You must remember, Hunter, that these are scared people, just as you were not long ago. They do not need complex explainations. They need hope.
Echo: Hope.
Hunter: Very well, I guess that sometimes such measures may be the best, as long as all things become cleared up in time
Whisper: Good night, you two.
DM: they deform into worms and crawl off
Hunter: Well, on that note, I guess I will go to be notw brother, though i guess now you can spend the night admiring that fine new axe you just received, lets hope that tommorow will turn out well
Hunter: go to bed*
Earth Looker: Goodnight
DM: so, you sleep.
DM: It is nothing like your sleep in bliss, of course, but somehow, this stone floor is far more restfull than any imaginary bed ever was in that place.
DM: You awake in the morning, to find Earth-looker missing.
Hunter: Brother, where are you?
god: He has returned to me, Hunter...
Hunter: What? You took him, you, you bastard. How dare you.
god: He came to me of his own free will, Hunter. He saw the truth.
Hunter: I... I promised him that i wouldnt let him return to agony, I have to tell the wishcrafter, she should be able to help.
thePeople: that order didn't turn out well
DM: ahh well
DM: what do you do?
Hunter: You lie, Brother wouldn't return to you, why would he after all you ad done to him. GOd damn, you and your tricks
god: You lie to yourself, Hunter. I mearly spoke to your brother, and he saw that he deserved my justice.
Hunter: God damn it, sadly, In this case i might even believe you, he was so scared of what you had done to him and probably feared even more retribution. But, I know that this doesn't mean that life will be good to him now, you are a being willing to betray another and stab them in their back after they were willing to follow you to even thier own graves
god: You will see oneday that my reward is the best there is for you. Untill then, I will await your return.
Hunter: I will get him you bastard, I'll free him from your grasp, I'll free everyone, One day, one day yor reign will end, and it will be because of your own arrorgance and because of those you have wronged
Unknown command: "impersonte". Try /help for a list of commands.
DM: you never get a responce
DM: do you do anything else before evening?
Hunter: I train my body and exercize my self to prepare for the evening and to train myslef further for when we fight god
DM: Then this is session.
DM: Told you it would be short